Mark Cranford , Statement of Interest for Forum Park Call To Artists

March 11, 2021

The words “Forum Park” spoke to me and I immediately envisioned the union of Forum Park and my new graphic art designs as Disability / Handicap / Accessibility Pink Dot Icons and as sculpture and public art.

I had recently been envisioning my Pink Dot disability and identity suit of Icons as free standing sculpture and as a celebration of pubic spaces for inclusivity. When the City Of Fort Myers, Florida put out the call for public art for Forum Park I saw this as a perfect fit for such a vision as I am submitting. I was seeing a “village” of identities expressed as various Pink Dot sculptures and signages and in public spaces and parks. 

I want to make the Pink Dot Icons of inclusivity come alive with light and be joyous manifestations of public art sculpture and as icons and signs of welcome and outreach and democracy. I have been envisioning both discrete Pink Dot signage and life size to large  illuminated electric Pink Dot signage and as art and utility. The accessibility / disability / identity / ability Icons need to come to life and I feel will blend in perfectly with the Forum Park Conceptual Plan and projected identity of Forum Park. 

I have felt excited in inventing a new Brown Figure ADA Symbol Of Accessibility, 

 Icon Figure (12/ 2020) . The City of Fort Myers, Florida painted Handicap Parking signage code stipulates the use of a “white figure” . I feel we can add a new vision of civility and acceptance by simply utilizing simple color changes to the iconic Handicap Figure. The Federal government took the contrast requirement off the iconic Handicap Sign and as to allow citizens to expand the definition of disability and handicap. 

The introduction of color and universal form adds vision, beauty, dignity and empowerment to the Handicap Figure. Color humanizes the Federal and Universal Handicap Figure and this is at a time when we need visions for inclusion and democracy. 

I had been enjoying the new signage at the Lee County Alliance of the Arts. I contacted their sign maker US Sign and Mill Corporation and submitted my Forum Park public art proposal to them. I was surprised and delighted that the company has embraced my Forum Park Pink Dot Icon  proposal and as public art, art and signage. US Sign and Mill offered to render engineered designs from my concepts and for my proposal. 

US Signs and Mill is excited about Pink Dot Brown Figure Symbol of Accessibility and my suit of accessibility and identity icons. I met with Mr Konopka and their head designer and was delighted with our conversations and ongoing communications. I have met their warm personnel and toured their impressive facility off Alico Road, Fort Myers, Florida. 

US Signs and Mill have pledged to me to seek no profit from the manufacture of this Ward 6 Forum Park public art project . I am be able to offer the City of Fort Myers, Florida a substantially more dynamic project and  also offer a variety of manufacturing options because of their grand offer of assistance to me. US Sign and Mill Vice President John Konopka told me my Pink Dot design concept for Forum Park gave him “chills” as the prospect of this public art  and inclusivity was so exciting to him.

Pink Dot Icons and Brown Figure ADA Symbol Of Accessibility can be found on my website and .



Mark Cranford Resume   2016 – 2021

(239) 822-5332

1814 Linhart Avenue

Fort Myers, Florida 33901

my full resume will be posted in 

my history in visual art since 2016 has been an exercise of and for public art and to bring together the words public and art. My artwork is to create a fundamentally new understanding of pubic art and artwork and  governance. These listed events and recognitions are many of the events that fill out my Pursuit Of Happiness and expressions for pubic art. 

2016 City of Fort Myers, Florida Art and Culture Grant 

I was recognized by the City of Fort Myers, Florida and the SWFL Community Foundation and Robert Rauschenberg Foundation as genius, conceptual artist and American Revolutionary. I was recognized by the City Of Fort Myers, Florida Art and Culture Grant Award as inventing two new conceptual arts in visual art history painting. I was recognized as inventing recycling for the Artists Scrap Paint Tube as painting and Extracted Found Paint as Painting. 

September 1, 2017 City Of Fort Myers, Florida art and Culture Grant Recipient exhibition at SBDAC

My 8×14 foot mural COLLECTIVE WE was exhibited . CEO Sarah Owen came and addressed me as Metaphysician and asked about the academic enigmas I crack and if I could read the minds of other Metaphysicians . I was recognized for inventing the icon for EQUAL ACCESS / COMPUTER EQUALITY / AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHT, Computer Handicap Recognition and Pink Dot icon. 

My two new conceptual arts in visual art history painting were recognized as “self evident truth”. I was recognized for naming the metaphysical discipline of Found Light. I was recognized as inventing sustainability and social practice for visual art history painting.

October 18, 2018 Ward 4 City Of Fort Myers Smoke Alarm Meeting. Dr Liston Bochette temporary Ward 4 City Councilman could not refute my assertion that “civil rights for visual art, artists and art history based on art history” had ever been established 

February 7, 2019 Director and Curator Jade Dellinger Bob Rauschenberg Gallery made me environmentalist. During his curation and exhibition Rattling Cages: The Guerrilla Girls Director Dellinger bestowed the recognition of environmentalist on me. Director Dellinger had previously recognized my knowledge of the metaphysics of academic women’s culture is “intelligence itself”. The Guerrilla Girls are the most radical feminist art group. They were admitted into the cannon of visual art history at this time but not for inventing a new form in visual art history painting. These concerns for women in visual art and public art will empower the recognition of women in visual art and public art in ways not previously established.

July 2019 Director Jade Dellinger Bob Rauschenberg Gallery bestowed the recognition of me as part of the Robert Rauschenberg conceptual legacy. Director Dellinger presented me with an inscribed  copy of his 1995 Curatorial debut catalog “Custom Colors” . I was told that when the time was right I would be brought in to the office of Director Dellinger and interviewed by him and as part of the Robert Rauschenberg conceptual legacy. The Robert Rauschenberg conceptual legacy will help transform the meaning and possibilities for visual art and as pubic art and through my inventions in and as part of the Robert Rauschenberg conceptual legacy. Postcards For Democracy is the next exhibition at the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Fort Myers, Florida.

November 19, 2018 I was asked off record by City of Fort Myers, Florida Art Consultant Tom Hall in City Hall Chambers if I could establish civil rights for visual art, artists and art history based on art history. 

November 18, 2019 City Of Fort Myers, Florida City Hall Chambers  I submitted the formula I had invented for establishing civil rights for visual art, artists and art history based on art history

May 15, 2020 Pulitzer Prize Art Critic Jerry Saltz 

May 15, 2020 Pulitzer Prize Art Critic Jerry Saltz bestowed this most amazing honorary title on me : Dr. Mark Cranford Metaphysician, conceptual artist + excellent environmentalist Seer. Jerry Saltz inscribed my title to me in his New York Times bestseller How To Be An Artist. 

Indeed having such a title bestowed upon me by Pulitzer Prize Art Critic Jerry Saltz is an unbelievable honor and quite a challenge to live up to. Mr Saltz is aware of my accomplishments and challenges. When Mr Saltz announced that his book How To Be An Artist was to be published I commented in Facebook  a list of my accomplishments and experiences here and through our City of Fort Myers Art and Culture Grant and Recipient exhibition. He affirmed the list. 

Pulitzer Prize Art Critic Jerry Salt’s recognition is most unusual and personally empowering to me. Metaphysician in visual art is unknown outside of special and elite circles in and out of academia. 

The recognition of Metaphysician as a facet of pubic art will broaden the scope and depth to the consideration and governance of pubic art. The recognition of Metaphysician in public artist / public art will provide a path of inclusion for art metaphysical academic values to the concepts of what public art is and can be. 

Such efforts as the formula I invented  to establish civil rights for visual art, artists and art history based on art history will also define the word “art”. The word “art’ has no definition and legal definition. 

New civil rights for visual art, artists and art history based on art history will provide a basis for establishing law and order for public art, artists and art history . This comes at a time when our Nation is torn and over what is seen and considered as public art. 

Civil Rights For Visual Art History = Visual Art. I submitted  my formula as self evident truth, irrefutable and as an accompaniment to the Pursuit of Happiness of the Constitution of the United States of America.

May 26, 2020 See Me / ART SAVES HUMANITY . “we have celebrated your expertise as a metaphysician for many ongoing projects as well”.

ART SAVES HUMANITY : Jerry Saltz , critic at New York Magazine. Marine Tanguy, CEO/founder as MT Art Agency. Ariel Adkins, curator at Twitter. Pop Simson, curatorial leader at Meural. Brendan Ciecko, CEO/founder at Ceseum. 

I submitted my experiences and inventions in visual art history painting and as recycling for visual art history painting to this distinguished group and for their critical reaction. This is part of their recognition of me and my art. 

“On behalf of ART SAVES LIVES, we would like to personally thank you for your recent contribution of time to  the arts.  The expressive language you have selected is a direct reflection of the kind of person you are, with your exceptional dedication to possibility and willing to do what it takes to realize a vision.

We would like to personally thank you for your commitment to our shared cause and in your eternal fidelity to the arts. Without your support and enthusiasm, none of this would have taken place.

Our local organizations have expressed awe  with your vision and initiative, and we have celebrated your expertise as a metaphysician for many ongoing projects as well.”

February 14, 2021 Ted Riederer, Never Records, Apocalypse Anthems 

Ted Riederer – former Director Howl Happenings: An Arturo Vega Project NYC

Crambolt Regulus my poem and visual art were recorded and published as part of the album and visual art collection Apocalypse Anthems . Apocalypse Anthems was reviewed by ———. Crambolt Regulus was recorded and published by Ted Riederer on his website and on Sound Cloud. Never Records is described by Curator Dan Cameron and as a decade long conceptual art project. 

March 10, 2021 Arthaus 2021, Fort Myers, Florida

Gralnick Foundation has selected me as the featured artist for Arthaus 2021 . Earth Day April and weekend, Gralnick estate, Fort Myers, Florida. All will be invited

Mark Cranford

1814 Linhart Avenue

Fort Myers, Florida 33901

(239) 822-5332




Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

image 1. Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation  accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

3 illuminated sculptures / accessibility, disability, identity Icons

artist Mark Cranford working with US SIGN & MILL Corporation of Fort Myers, Florida

Pink Dot – symbol of inclusion, identity, disability, ability, accessibility

. The double pointed “parking arrow”  is to symbolize openness and inclusivity and conceptual nature of the sign / image.  public service 

A brown figure Accessibility figure is symbolic of inclusivity. The composition and color and lighting is designed to embody a positive presence and renewed sense of purpose for such iconic signage and as art and public art.

City of Fort Myers, Florida has the opportunity to illuminate new vision as public art and iconography and for inclusivity 


Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

image 1. Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation Accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

3 illuminated sculptures / accessibility, disability, identity Icons

artist Mark Cranford working with US SIGN & MILL Corporation 

Pink Dot – symbol of inclusion, identity, disability, ability, accessibility 

SCALED DOWN BECAUSE OF RISE IN COST OF MATERIALS. The “PARKING” icon sign was to be 30 feet and with taller aluminum posts for the other two sculpture / art signs. The taller design was for greater presence and to discourage climbing on the sculptures. With a greater budget the taller design could be used if that is desired.

#1. Sculpture “PARKING”, 20 feet tall. 

      a. aluminum  sign 8 x 10 feet 

      b. digitally printed Flex Faces – different print each side

      c. Lighting with white LEDs

      d. Aluminum pole cover painted brushed aluminum (Shade darker)

This project is inspired from my Pink Dot suit of Accessibility / disability / identity Icons . 

I want to bring these icons to life with color, light and size and to be for an inclusive and enlightened society. The time is right for bold inclusivity and as Public Art

PARKING <——> Icon. Side 1. BLUE background SIDE 2. WHITE background 

The word PARKING is inviting – welcoming .

 The Parking Icon and arrow is for both general purpose and handicap parking without specifying disability by word. 

#2. Sculpture “ Pink Dot Gender Neutral / Transgender Figure” 14.5 feet tall

     a. Pink Dot is rounded – dimensional 

     b. 3” deep reverse halo – lit aluminum channels with brushed finish to float 1.5” off of 8” deep aluminum backer painted light grey (TBD). Pink head to be hemisphere. Front Lighting with white LEDs. Aluminum Base painted brushed aluminum (shade darker)

    C. materials suited for maintenance for grafitti. 

    d. double sided

#3 Sculpture 3 Pink Dot Accessibility Icon. 8 feet tall

 a. Pink Dot is rounded – dimensional 

     b. 3” deep reverse halo – lit aluminum channels with brushed finish to float 1.5” off of 8” deep aluminum backer painted light grey (TBD). Pink head to be hemisphere. Front Lighting with white LEDs. Aluminum Base painted brushed aluminum (shade darker)

    C. materials suited for maintenance for grafitti. 

    d. double sided 

image 2 CONCEPT 1 A

Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation  accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

3 illuminated sculptures / accessibility, disability, identity Icons

artist Mark Cranford working with US SIGN & MILL Corporation of Fort Myers, Florida

Pink Dot – symbol of inclusion, identity, disability, ability, accessibility



image 2 Concept 1 A

Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation  accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

3 illuminated sculptures / accessibility, disability, identity Icons

artist Mark Cranford working with US SIGN & MILL Corporation of Fort Myers, Florida

Pink Dot – symbol of inclusion, identity, disability, ability, accessibility

Illustration to demonstrate that the sculpture icons from my suit of Pink Dot Nation Icons can be used interchangeably .

SCALED DOWN BECAUSE OF RISE IN COST OF MATERIALS. The “PARKING” icon sign was to be 30 feet and with taller aluminum posts for the other two sculpture / art signs. The taller design was for greater presence and to discourage climbing on the sculptures. With a greater budget the taller design could be used if that is desired.

City of Fort Myers, Florida has the opportunity to illuminate new vision and for inclusivity

image 3 CONCEPT 3 

Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

Concept 1. Pink Dot (Nation) Accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

3 illuminated sculptures / accessibility, disability, identity Icons

artist Mark Cranford working with US SIGN & MILL Corporation of Fort Myers, Florida

Pink Dot – symbol of inclusion, identity, disability, ability, accessibility



image 3 CONCEPT 3

Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation  accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

3 illuminated sculptures / accessibility, disability, identity Icons

artist Mark Cranford working with US SIGN & MILL Corporation of Fort Myers, Florida

Pink Dot – symbol of inclusion, identity, disability, ability, accessibility

The green circle shows that the Sculptures can be positioned at different angles within the diameter of the Forum Park Art Area. The sculptures can be positioned differently for best effect.





Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

image 1. Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation  accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

3 illuminated sculptures / accessibility, disability, identity Icons

artist Mark Cranford working with US SIGN & MILL Corporation of Fort Myers, Florida

Pink Dot – symbol of inclusion, identity, disability, ability, accessibility

. The double pointed “parking arrow”  is to symbolize openness and inclusivity and conceptual nature of the sign / image.  public service 

A brown figure Accessibility figure is symbolic of inclusivity. The composition and color and lighting is designed to embody a positive presence and renewed sense of purpose for such iconic signage and as art and public art.

City of Fort Myers, Florida has the opportunity to illuminate new vision as public art and iconography and for inclusivity




Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

image 1. Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation  accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art. 

The 3’deep reverse halo lit LED light colors can be programmed alternate color or be single color 




Mark Cranford

Forum Park Call for Artists Proposal

image 1. Concept 1. Pink Dot Nation  accessibility / disability / identity  Icons and signs as art / public art.